“Angry Birds” To Become an Animated Series
Rovio, maker of hit game Angry Birds, plans to turn the game into an animated series, CEO Mikael Hed has announced.
“We have been looking at that for quite a while, and that is definitely one of my personal big focus areas right now – to work on broadcast content for Angry Birds (Angry Birds),” Hed told the British TV industry site C21media.net [subscription required].
No further details have been given about the series, but we wouldn’t be surprised if it appeared on TV. Angry Birds has been a smash hit on both the iOS and Android (Android) platforms; it was recently launched for the desktop PC, and is coming soon to the Wii, Xbox and PS3. Mattel is also adapting it into a board game. An animated series is the logical next step in what has quickly blossomed from just another cute iPhone game into a powerful franchise.
“We have been looking at that for quite a while, and that is definitely one of my personal big focus areas right now – to work on broadcast content for Angry Birds (Angry Birds),” Hed told the British TV industry site C21media.net [subscription required].
No further details have been given about the series, but we wouldn’t be surprised if it appeared on TV. Angry Birds has been a smash hit on both the iOS and Android (Android) platforms; it was recently launched for the desktop PC, and is coming soon to the Wii, Xbox and PS3. Mattel is also adapting it into a board game. An animated series is the logical next step in what has quickly blossomed from just another cute iPhone game into a powerful franchise.