Latest HP SmartStart CD 8.70 (B) released x32 x64 Versions Download Link
A much awaited version of SmartStart CD is released by HP recently. The new SmartStart CD 8.7 (B) is released finally. SmartStart 8.7 supports latest version of Windows Server OS and is much needed for customer who wish to implement SBS 2011 on their servers.
SmartStart CD 8.7 added support for below said Operating Systems:
You could download the HP SmartStart 64 bit from here
- Microsoft Windows Server 2011 Small Business
- Microsoft Windows Server 2011 Small Business Essentials
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- Red Hat enterprise Linux 5.6
You could download the HP SmartStart 64 bit from here